Why should I use grammarchecker.info for spell check rather than using Microsoft Word's grammar checker?

There are several reasons why you should use this spell checker. It has the following advantages.

  • It's free, available online 24/7 and unlimited to analyze text.
  • You don’t need a text editor to use it
  • It is extremely easy to use
  • Its accessible from any device on the internet
  • Its updated automatically
  • It targets all the common errors made in English writing
  • It offers a choice of English language variants
  • It follows an educational approach which encourages learning
  • It’s spelling and grammar check tool.

Other text editors to do not conduct a grammar check on the entire document. They check sentences as you write and at times they don't pick up simple grammar errors. If you want a tool that does a meticulous spelling and grammar check, then you should use the grammarchecker.info. At times it happens that when you correct a spelling mistake, a grammar error occurs. To avoid making such mistakes, you must check spell, and our tool that highlights all kind of grammatical mistakes. Another very big plus point of using this tool is that you learn grammar. Yes, if it highlights a '-' and you click on it as you don’t know why it has highlighted it. It will open a grammar site where the explanation is given. Therefore you learn from your mistakes. Microsoft Word points out the error and the correction to make, but it does not explain the error.

Online Grammar check can be used on any device that's connected to the internet. So you can use it on tablets and smartphones as well. You don’t have to download an application to run an English grammar check. This tool will do the sentence correction for you. If you are worried that you are writing a mail to your boss from your smartphone and you want to be sure that you don’t make any grammar mistakes, then just open grammarchecker.info in the browser and check grammar in english, french, spanish, Italian and many other languages.