What is grammarchecker.info?

Grammarchecker.info is a free tool that analyzes your text and provides valuable information about spelling and grammatical mistakes. It is one of the best text checker tools on the internet. It does both, spell check and grammar check in one go. The tool can detect problems with words that sound the same (e.g., it's versus it's, here versus hear, etc.) incorrect use of correct words (nowadays instead of nowadays), punctuations, capitalization and hundreds of grammatical errors. This site is adept at catching commonly confused words and 'slip of the pen' mistakes. Some grammar correction online pop-ups in text editors do not catch grammatical mistakes, and writers do not realize that they have made a mistake. Therefore you should not rely only on grammar correction online tools to perform a spelling and grammar check because they will not identify the frequent stumbling blocks of Standard English. Grammar checker accepts files saved in Microsoft Word format and text format. Plus you can enter the text directly into the text area, and once you are done, you can save it in the format of your choice. Whereas most of the tools do not have a choice of English languages – grammar checker provides this feature. Text can be written in American Canadian, South African, Australian or UK English. You have to select the English language variation of your text. The default used by grammar checker is American English. Online Grammar checker will run the spell and grammar, punctuation and capitalization check based on the language selected. The grammar corrector differ slightly among variations of the English language. Because of this additional feature, this tool is easily the best sentence checker and correction tool.